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Stuffed Peppers with Gluten free Italian Pesto Blend Orzo

The Easiest Stuffed Peppers with Gluten Free Italian Pesto Blend Orzo


1 lb lean ground beef or turkey

3-4 medium bell peppers (red, yellow, or green), with tops cut off and seeds removed

0.5 lb Gluten-free Italian Pesto Blend Orzo, prepared

1.5 c marinara sauce


Mix the prepared orzo with ground meat and then stuff the prepared peppers; avoid packing meat mixture firmly in pepper. Place peppers in a casserole dish and pour marinara over the tops. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until the center is fully cooked. Serve with additional marinara and a rusty bread.


Freeze either cooked or uncooked, but if uncooked be sure to cook from frozen (it will take longer).

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